Merry Christmas.. the elves have been busy

25 12 2009

It’s non-denominational gift giving opportunity day. Hope everyone is having a nice morning. Gareth and Ebony have been busy installing window trim and the skirt board. Looks nice guys.

Can’t wait until we can have a Gin and Tonic on the deck

19 12 2009

Ebony has the deck well underway. It will make working on that side of the house much easier.

Exterior window trim is underway

19 12 2009

Gareth started trimming out windows today. We are using 4/5″x 4″ TK Cedar for the casings and 2x stock for the sills. It will look pretty when we are all done.

Poof… we have a roof

19 12 2009

The guys at Cherry street roofing did a great job!

The roofers are here, the roofers are here

15 12 2009

This is a conveyer that the roofing supplier uses to “stock” the roof. Much easier than packing the very heavy composition shingles up a ladder a bundle at a time. The roofing contractor’s crew will be around for the next couple of days installing our new roof.

Do I… Do I smell progress?

Well… Not that much warmer… Less wind though

15 12 2009

We installed windows today. They went in easy enough. Can’t wait to see the trim underway. You can also see that the fascias and soffits have been sprayed. Nice color, we think.

We love our subcontractors

9 12 2009

Our roofing subcontractor has added some very specific language to our contract, which I thought I’d share with you:

“Job site music, if any at all, shall be something other than classic rock. Job site politics, if discussed, shall be liberal in nature. Pro-Palin sentiment expressed shall be grounds for dismissal from job site.”

We love our subs to be thorough. Best. Contract. Ever.

Gareth and Ebony headed to a well deserved coffee break.

22 degrees this morning

8 12 2009

We added gable trim and built the roof over the window seat today. Tomorrow we head inside to finish up the interior framing. The windows are being delivered Wednesday morning. We need to get the soffits and fascia painted before we can install the windows. Busy busy…

The roof framing is complete

6 12 2009

We have a little more trim to install but we are dried -in (just in time for the possible snow tonight). Thats Ebony on the ridge, installing the traditional cedar bough. Thanks to both Gareth and Ebony for working Saturday.

Another angle

3 12 2009

Here is a shot from the back of the cottage. You can see how the roof is shaped and how the dormer will pop through the main roof line. Hopefully we will be dried in by Friday. It was beautiful today!